System specifications

The cruise speed of the UAV is 16m/s or 58 km/h.

Standard demonstrated flight time at cruise speed for Bramor ppX is up to 3,5hours and 3 h for Bramor C4EYE. Endurance depends on the wind conditions, flight altitude and mission profile, battery condition (age), MTOW, etc. Optimal flight time was measured at ICAO standard atmosphere conditions (15 °C / 1013,25 hPa / winds calm), depends on UAS configuration/system weight.

The strongest wind it can fly can reach up to 12 m/s.

Usually you would need to replace the system's propeller blades. During its lifetime the fuselage or wings might also need repair or replacement if they are used in a harsh environment.

Users usually land inside a radius of 30 m from the desired landing position. With more experience, operators can land more accurately.

Flights can be executed up to 5000 m above sea level.

The maximum payload weight for BRAMOR ppX is 500g.

Sensors ppX

The RGB sensor with 24MP comes standard with a 30 mm lens. Optionally a 19 mm lens can be ordered. The fullframe 42MP sensor is equipped with a 35mm lens.

The images are stored in SD card that can be removed after the flight from the UAV.

2025 - Fly with us!

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