C-ASTRAL Aerospace is a global market leader with an established reputation in the specialized, fixed-wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) manufacturing and services field.
Besides systems integration, the company has developed avionics and proprietary, secure and adaptable mesh communication systems as well as the capability to integrate its systems with unmanned air traffic management and C4ISR solutions. In the last fourteen years, C-ASTRAL Aerospace has fielded two families of small UAS, the BRAMOR and ATLAS (Advanced Technology Light Acquisition System) and its X-WORKS division is currently developing two new small advanced technology systems that will be fielded in 2021 and 2022. C-ASTRAL Aerospace has been active in three research consortia of the Single European Sky ATM Research initiative (SESAR) and has been instrumental in enabling the first Canadian BVLOS fixed wing flight already in February 2017.
C-ASTRAL Aerospace customer base is diversified between the commercial UAS operators, larger institutional networks, scientific users as well as government entities in more than 70 countries. More than 10 sovereign entities and 200 commercial and scientific operators have fielded C-ASTRAL systems for force protection, border protection, civil defense, search and rescue, tactical ISR, fire control, border control, infrastructure monitoring and protection as well as tactical surveillance operations on six continents with more than 120000 hours of operations. C-ASTRAL Aerospace systems have been evaluated by the US SOCOM Expeditionary Organic Tactical ISR Capability Set and are now also part of large European UAS swarming research and development initiative.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrein, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq
Robotics Centre
tel: +1 613 755 2280
web: robotics-centre.com
About C-Astral
The company is a global market leader with established reputation in the specialized, fixed wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) manufacturing and services field, with a specific focus on high productivity, endurance, surveying and remote sensing between the commercial UAS operators, larger institutional networks.
Company Information
Vat ID No.: SI40875709
Registration No.: 2352931000