Advanced Technology Light Acquisition System

System specifications

The software used for control, mission planning and GNNS processing (ppX) is C3P (Command, Control, Communications and Planning). The C3P is a software package developed in-house at C-ASTRAL and we keep improving it with the feedback of our users and testers.

Usually you would need to replace the system's propeller blades. During its lifetime the fuselage or wings might also need repair or replacement if they are used in a harsh environment.

Users usually land inside a radius of 30 m from the desired landing position. With more experience, operators can land more accurately.

Sensors C4EYE

With use of an appropriate receiver it is possible to receive live video to that receiver as long as it is in range of the UAV.

Sensors ppX

Custom sensor integration is possible on our systems with certain weight and size limitations.  Please contact for further information. bb

You can swap between RGB, multispectral and the thermal sensor.

2024 - Fly with us!

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